November 16, 2023
Ramada Inn
Doors open at 10:30am for check-in/social time. Our meeting will begin at 11:00am.
(Please do not arrive any earlier as the room will not be ready for seating). LUNCHEON COST: $25. All attendees must confirm their reservation by mailing their check to Jo-Ellen Baxley. Make your check payable to MANDARIN WOMEN’S CLUB and contact Jo-Ellen at 904-635-8722 for mailing instructions. Checks must be received by November 9th. There will be no exceptions. Be sure to note on your check if you prefer a Chef’s Salad. BUFFET MENU Garden Salad Bar Turkey w/ Gravy & Classic Stuffing Honey Glazed Baby Carrots Green Bean Casserole Rolls and Butter Southern Pecan Pie Coffee, Ice Tea and Water Chef’s Salad is offered as an alternative to the menu. If the salad is desired, it must be noted on your check. No changes can be made after reservation deadline. NOTE: Salad dressings available are Italian, Light Italian, or Ranch only. PROGRAM Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday, our November Luncheon will be held one week early, on November 16. We will be having JSO Officer William Rivera joining us. He will be sharing ways we can protect ourselves from criminal activity such as identity theft, scams, and general crime. The results of the survey indicated that this subject was an area of interest for many of our members. Please join us for this informative presentation. |
Other Events this MonthTravel: November 3 - Please join us for a free tour of the Museum of Natural History in Gainesville. The tour is at your own pace. There is a charge for the Butterfly Rain forest, $12.50, and the Arctic Dinosaurs, $9 or $20 for both. Lunch will be at the Olive Garden. We will meet at Hobby Lobby at 8:00am and leave at 8:15am. Riders fee is $12 and includes parking fee. Please
sign up at the luncheon and let us know if you will drive. For questions, please call Shirley Wright or Jo-Ellen Baxley. Antiquing: November 10 - We’re heading to the south St. Augustine area to visit a hidden gem: Coconut Barrel, northeast Florida’s largest Artisan Market, with many great gift items to see and purchase! Afterwards, we will be having lunch in the area. Meet at Hobby Lobby parking lot at 9am, leaving at 9:15am. Ride Share: $10.00. If you have any questions, call Jo-Ellen Baxley. Mangia Mama’s November 17 - 11:30am. Let’s get together for a wonderful luncheon at Hanger One Bistro, 149 Aviation Drive, St. Augustine on the 3rd Friday, November 17th. That’s at the small airport in St. Augustine. We will carpool from Hobby Lobby’s Parking Lot, meeting at 10:15am, and departing at 10:30am. Ride Share: $10.00. They serve a variety of dishes such as burgers, sandwiches, salads and more. They also have a bar that serves wine and beer. If you have questions, contact Linda Bowman. MAH JONGG HAS TWO GROUPS ON TWO DIFFERENT DATES. Anyone who would like to sub for either group, please contact the respective chair(s) as listed in your Directory. TEAM A: November 20 - 12:30 pm TEAM B: November 27 – 12:30 pm Night Train: November 24 (day after Thanksgiving) – 6:30pm - Singles and Couples at HarborChase (12350 San Jose Boulevard). Mark your calendar for the last Friday of each month (except December). This is Mexican Train, and we will be happy to teach beginners. Park in the back and check in at the front desk. We play with quarters, so please come prepared with $3.25 in quarters. Bring your own non-alcoholic beverage and snacks. Sign up at the luncheon or contact Gail Packard as we need a headcount for HarborChase. BE SURE TO BRING 13 QUARTERS. Marathon Bridge: November 28 – 11:00am - 4th Tuesday each month thru May at Noura's Cafe. Please call or text Mary Chapman if you would like to sub or want more information. |