April 28, 2022
Ramada Inn
Doors open at 9:00am for check-in/social time and play starts at 9:30am. (Please do not arrive any earlier as the room will not be ready for seating). Lunch will be LATE. Bring a snack if you cannot wait. LUNCHEON COST: $18. All attendees must contact Susie Marshall to confirm their reservation. Make your check payable to MANDARIN WOMEN’S CLUB and contact Susie Marshall at 904-885-8952 for mailing instructions. Please indicate on your check if you will be playing Bunco, Mexican Train or No Game. Checks must be received by April 14th. There will be no exceptions. Be sure to note on your check if you prefer a Chef’s Salad. MENU Greek Pasta Salad Crab Cakes w/Lemon Butter Stir-fried Vegetables Wild Rice Rolls and Butter Key Lime Pie Coffee, Ice Tea and Water Chef’s Salad is offered as an alternative to the menu. If the salad is desired, it must be noted on the check. No changes can be made after reservation deadline. NOTE: Salad dressings available are Italian, Light Italian, or Ranch only. PROGRAM GAME DAY! ****** MEMBERS ONLY Your choices are Bunco or Mexican Train (Dominoes). Write ‘BUNCO’, ‘MEXICAN TRAIN’, or ‘NO GAME’ on your luncheon reservation check. You do not need to bring money for either game. We have great prize money for this event! So, make your reservation and enjoy a game. Make new friends and perhaps go home with a prize. The easiest to learn is BUNCO, but you can get help with either game. Don’t be shy. Doors will open at 9:00am. We will play from 9:30 - 11:30. There will be a fifteen minute break, a short meeting, and lunch at 11:45am. You may want to bring a little snack. If you can bring a card table or a Mexican Train set, please contact Sharon Rosenblum. |
Other Events this MonthTravel: April 1 – Please join us for a tour to K-9 for Warriors in Ponte Vedra. Carly will be giving us a tour of the grounds and explain the K-9 for Warrior’s program. Tours of the grounds will take at least ½ hour. We will meet at Hobby Lobby at 9:15 a.m. and leaving sharply at 9:30 a.m. Rider’s fee is $9.00. Please sign up at the luncheon. Any questions contact Anita Owens or Shirley Wright.
Dining Out/Singles & Couples: April 9 – 5pm – Dinner will be at Vitos Italian Restaurant, 116 Bartram Oaks Walk, Suite 101. To see the menu: vitosoriginalitalian.com. Reservations are made by signing the sheet at the March MWC meeting. No calls or emails. Please remember to sign one name on each line. There is a limit of 18. Movie Mania: April 12 - Come join us for Movie Mania. The movie will be “West Side Story” at HarborChase theatre, 3rd Floor at 1:00pm. This movie is an adaptation of the original movie. Come and enjoy this refreshing version directed by Steven Spielberg. Lunch will be at Don Juan’s Mexican Restaurant across from Harbor Chase at 11:30am. Any questions, contact Toby Richmond. Recipe Exchange: April 13 - 11:30am-1:30pm at the home of Linda Peacock, Westminster Woods on Julington Creek, 1500 Bishop Estates Road #26A, St. Johns 32259. Space is limited so please RSVP to Linda as soon as possible. “Springtime Delights” is our theme. Only the hostess makes desserts. Cost is $2.00. Bring a copy of your recipe and a container for leftovers. MAH JONGG NOW HAS TWO GROUPS ON TWO DIFFERENT DATES. Anyone who would like to sub for either group, please contact the respective chair. • TEAM A: APRIL 18 - 12:30 pm - 3rd Monday of each month, HarborChase 1st Floor. Limited parking in rear of building. We have space for 12 players. Contact Mary Kay Weis or Ann Dumire. • TEAM B: APRIL 25 - 1 pm - 4th Monday of each month at Whole Foods. Player spots are still available for this group. Contact Sarah Sallas-Herring. Marathon Bridge: April 26 – 10:30am - Cimarrone Golf Club. Please call or text Mary Chapman if interested. Cost is $10 for prizes to be paid now and then lunch ordered off menu. Play 4th Tuesday of the month through May 2022. Night Train: April 29 – 6:30pm - Singles and Couples at HarborChase (12350 San Jose Boulevard). Mark your calendar for the last Friday of each month (except December). This is Mexican Train and we will be happy to teach beginners. Park in the back and enter building through the front. We play with quarters, so please come prepared with $3.25 in quarters. Bring your own nonalcoholic beverage and snacks. Sign up at the luncheon or contact Bev Severns or Gail Packard. We need a headcount for HarborChase. BE SURE TO BRING 13 QUARTERS. |